Welcome to this public Teamspeak server for RIFT players. If you run some type of PvE raid open to the general public of the server, feel free to make your life easier by using this server.
Before using the service, please read the rules. By using the service, you acknowledge your agreement to follow these rules.
Getting Started
It's easy to get started with voice communication. Obviously, you need a microphone to be able to speak. The use of a headset with built-in microphone is highly advisable.
- Click here if you already have Teamspeak 3 installed.
- If you do not have Teamspeak installed, or want to connect manually:
- Download and install the Teamspeak 3 client.
- At first launch, you will be guided through the configuration process for Teamspeak.
- Once everything is configured, go to the Connections menu and click Connect.
- Under server address, enter: .
- Enter your character name in the Nickname field (see the rules).
- Press Connect.
- Tell your friends to visit this webpage (http://www.rift-voice.org/)
- Double click an unused channel on the left to join it. Tell your group members which channel to join.
Sorry, there is currently no public TeamSpeak server available for your shard and faction. Why?