Frequently Asked Questions
- Why can't I use the server for PvP (warfronts or open world)?
For a couple of reasons:
First of all, it's very difficult to guarantee that people from the other team aren't listening in to your conversation.
Secondly, because of limitations on the server capacity. I want to see what server load I can expect purely for PvE purposes first.
- Why do you use Teamspeak and not [insert other popular software]?
Teamspeak 3 is a major improvement over Teamspeak 2:
- It has great sound quality.
- It's low latency (similar to Mumble and much better than Ventrilo)
- It has tons of (management) features.
- Has clients on a wide variety of platforms.
- It has good license options for non-commercial use.
- How many people can use the server at the same time?
- Each server is currently configured to allow 100 people to be online at the same time. However, not all of these people can be in the same channel at once.
Dungeon channels can have at most 10 people in them at any time. Raid channels are limited to 30 in order to preserve bandwidth.
- My guild voice server is not working. Can I use yours?
- Please check with one of the moderators or use the contact form before using the service for guild purposes.
If there is sufficient capacity, this type of use may be allowed for limited time. We will create a separate (restricted) channel for this purpose and
grant you permissions to manage this channel.