RIFT public Teamspeak server

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Please follow the following rules whenever you use this service:

  1. Do not use the service for other purposes than to communicate with other Rift players.
  2. Do not use the service for guild events. You should set up your own server for your members.*
  3. Use of the service for the purpose of organizing PvP raids is currently not allowed.
  4. Use the appropriate server for the shard you play on.
    Guests from other shards will be allowed for PUG dungeon groups.
  5. Always use your in-game character name for your nickname here. If you're from another shard, use name@servername for your nickname.
  6. You must configure the use of Push-To-Talk in order to prevent undesired broadcasting.
  7. Do not AFK for extensive periods on this server. You are taking up a slot that someone else may be able to use.
  8. Harassment, obscenity and spamming are not tolerated.
  9. Access to the server can be denied at the sole discretion of its moderators.

If you find someone is not following these rules or otherwise abusing the service, please contact one of the moderators.


Please use the contact form to provide feedback about these rules.